Curriculum Vitae

John Trusal Kemper, PhD


john (dot) kemper (at) usu (dot) edu

For a copy of my current CV, please ** click here **


PhD, Geosciences, Colorado State University, 2022

MS, Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2017

BS, Geology with High Honors, University of Maryland, 2013

Employment & Appointments 

2024 – present: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Watershed Sciences, Utah State University

2023 – 2024: Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Geography & Geoscience and the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH), University of Vermont

20222023: Adjunct Professor, Colorado Mountain College

2020 – 2022: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University

2018 – 2022: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University

2013 – 2018: Staff Research Assistant, Center for Urban Environmental Research & Education (CUERE), University of Maryland Baltimore County


Thaxton, R., Scott, M.L., Kemper, J.T., Rathburn, S.L., Butzke, S., Friedman, J. Downstream decreases in water availability, tree height, canopy volume and growth rate in cottonwood forests along the Green River, southwestern USA. Ecohydrology e2693.

Kemper, J.T., Knox, R., Muhammad, R., Schulz, E., Bailey, R., Morrison, R.R., Wohl, E. 2024. Estimating catchment-scale sediment storage in a large river basin, Colorado River, USA. River Research and Applications 40(7): 1379-1392. 

Kemper, J.T., Scamardo, J. 2023. Snow avalanches as a driver of large wood dynamics in mountain streams. Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (24), e2023GL106355.

Rathburn, S., Eysteinsson, Þ., Sæmundsson, Þ., Kemper, J.T., Wieting, C.D., Friedman, J.M. 2023. Putting down roots: Afforestation and bank cohesion of Icelandic Rivers. River Research and Applications 39(9): 1669-1681.

Kemper, J.T., Rathburn, S.L., Mueller, E.R., Wohl, E. Scamardo, J., 2023. Geomorphic response of low-gradient, meandering and braided alluvial river channels to increased sediment supply. Earth-Science Reviews 241: 104429.

Wohl, E., Uno, H., Dunn, S.B., Kemper, J.T., Marshall, A., Means-Brous, M., Scamardo, J.E., Triantafillou, S.P. 2023. Why wood should move in rivers. River Research and Applications 40(6): 976-987.

Welty, C., Moore, J., Bain, D.J., Talebpour., M., Kemper, J.T.,  Duncan, J.M., Groffman, P.M. 2023. Spatial heterogeneity and temporal stability of baseflow water quality in an urban watershed. Water Resources Research. E2021WR031804

Kemper, J.T., Rathburn, S.L., Friedman, J.M., Nelson, J.M., Mueller, E.R., Vincent, K.R. 2022. Fingerprinting historical tributary contributions to floodplain sediment using bulk geochemistry. CATENA 214(3-4): 106231.

Kemper, J.T., Thaxton, R.D., Rathburn, S.L., Friedman, J.M., Mueller, E.R., Scott, M.L. 2022. Sediment-ecological connectivity in a large river network. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47(2): 639-657.

Gellis, A.C., Fuller, C.C., Van Metre, P. Mahler, B., Welty, C., Miller, A.J., Nibert, L., Clifton, Z., Malen, J., Kemper, J.T.  2020. Pavement alters delivery of sediment and fallout radionuclides to urban streams. Journal of Hydrology 588: 124855.

Kemper, J.T., Miller, A.J., Welty, C. 2019. Spatial and temporal patterns of suspended sediment transport in nested urban watersheds. Geomorphology 336: 95-106.

Duncan, J.M., Welty, C., Kemper, J.T., Groffman, P.M., Band, L.E. 2017. Dynamics of nitrate concentration-discharge patterns in an urban watershed.  Water Resources Research 53(8): 7349-7365. https://doi:10.1002/2017WR020500